Friday, June 1, 2012

A Garden of Grecian Delights

TGIF! It's a new month and it's also National Donut Day. I'm also working half a day from home today. Nothing like the good life.

Today's puzzle by Clive Probert was rather clever. It's called "Mediterranean Diet" and you'll see what I mean. Research shows that the Mediterranean Diet reduces risk of heart disease. It is heavy in fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, legumes, and olive oil. Red meat and sweets are limited, and drinking a glass of red wine is encouraged (in moderation, of course). See the food pyramid below:

23A: Winter Olympics Gear (FIGURE SKATES). Figure skating always looked so easy on TV. I remember my first time ice skating with the Girl Scouts. I fell all over the place. Needles to say, I didn' go ice skating too often. Roller skating, on the other hand, was a blast. There have been many U.S. figure skating champions over the years (Peggy Fleming, Dorothy Hamill, Tara Lipinski, Michelle Kwan, Scott Hamilton, Brian Boitano). However, the one rivalry I will never forget is the one between Nancy Kerrigan and Tonya Harding. Tonya Harding put the sport to shame.

34A: News-story starter (DATELINE). See NBC show with the same name.

42A: Quick beats (PIT-A-PATS)

51A: Obstetrics Device (FETAL MONITOR). I felt comfort when my OB/GYN told me everything with my son was normal. However, things turned out complicated in the end. I had strep and had to go on bed rest for a few weeks. Then I was induced but didn't go into labor until around 7:00 the night of January 31, 1995. Then the umbilical cord was wrapped around Alex's neck. If it weren't for a quick-thinking nurse, Alex wouldn't be alive today. He was delivered via an emergency C-section. I couldn't go through another delivery like the one I experienced. :-(

Looks like a nice day outside, but I hear rain and cool temperatures over the next few days. Tomorrow morning Alex takes his SATs and it's closing night for "Death of a Salesman." 

Till tomorrow. . . .

Signing off,
The Puzzlechick

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