23A: Tune heard in "Saturday Night Fever" (DISCO INFERNO). I am probably one of the few people in America who didn't buy the soundtrack to this classic movie. I didn't like disco and was getting into groups like The Talking Heads, The Ramones, Blondie, etc. However, I do watch the movie every time it comes on because it was so well done. I couldn't find the scene with John Travolta dancing to this song, so here is the tune by the Trampps. It's one of the few songs on the soundtrack that wasn't sung by the Bee Gees.
52A: Jon Bon Jovi tune of '90 (BLAZE OF GLORY). This song was Jon Bon Jovi's first solo hit. It reached number 1 on the Billboard charts. About three years, ago, Matthew and Alex saw him in Central Park. They camped out in the park all day. However, when it came time to go in, fans rushed the park and Alex was lost for a second. He went to a policeman and asked him to help find his dad. People felt bad for him and let him sit up front. After that, they sat back and enjoyed the show. However, Mayor Mike had a giant timer, and the concert had to end by 10:00. And now, the video:
Today's cryptoquote by John Mitchell (1913-1988) is simple but effective:
"Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude toward us."
I had a hard time solving this cryptoquote. Inititally, I thought the last word was "it." After cracking the word "attitude," I realized the last word was "us."
John Mitchell was Attorney General under Richard Nixon. He played a prominent role in the Watergate break-in and cover-up and was the first AG to be convicted of illegal activities (the Watergate Scandal!). He was sentenced to 2-8 years in prison, but wound up serving only 19 months. The Washington Post has an excellent account of the Watergate scandal: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/onpolitics/watergate/Johnmitchell.html
Last time we were in Washington, we saw Jerry Seinfeld at the Kennedy Center. We stayed across the street from the Watergate apartments: http://www.watergatedc.com/.
Season 9 of "Project Runway" begins tonight. I hope I can watch it on demand tomorrow since I will be at kickboxing and Zumba tonight.
Till tomorrow, have a pleasant evening!
Signing off,
The Puzzlechick