"Beware the lollipop of mediocrity. Lick it once and you'll suck forever."
Here is Brian's official site: http://www.brianwilson.com/
The crossword puzzle theme for today is "On Deck" by Gail Grabowski. The theme answers:
20A: Military Bases (ARMY POSTS). There have been so many movies about the Army. My two favorite military comedies of all time are Private Benjamin and Stripes. In the former, the transformation of Goldie Hawn for spoiled Jewish princess to empowered woman was funny and touching. Here is my favorite scene from Stripes:
51A: Slow but steady progress (BABY STEPS). We all know the fable of The Tortoise and the Hare and its moral, "Slow but steady wins the race." Bugs Bunny in "Tortoise Beats Hare?" is priceless:
This is one of the few times that Bugs Bunny lost. Notice how the turtle sounds like Barney Rubble? That's because Mel Blanc provided the voice (along with his countless other characters).
28D: Scrabble and chess are played on these (GAME BOARDS). I love board games (although I don't like chess that much). Scrabble, Life, Monopoly, Checkers, Candy Land, Chutes and Ladders, Trivial Pursuit, you name it! I don't even think kids play board games any more unless it's on the computer. However, I did see my friend Sharyn play Candy Land with her daughter when we went to see her on Saturday. Here's one of my favorite retromercials for the game of Life:
11D: Trains' power source (THIRD RAIL). Ah, the source for many power failures and derailments. See this link for a brief history of the Third Rail. http://www33.brinkster.com/iiiii/inventions/3rdrail.asp.
It's also a song by the band Squeeze (one of my favorites):
Glenn Tilbrook was so gorgeous! Middle age has not been kind to him.
Sorry if I'm going off in tangents here, but it's Monday.
Till tomorrow.
Signing off,
The Puzzlechick
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