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Newsday X-word 4-29-14 |
16A: Common cold symptom (SORE THROAT). I had many sore throats and cases of tonsillitis during my childhood. The tonsils almost came out. Allergy shots helped, too.
26A: Surprise win (UPSET VICTORY). ESPN has compiled a list of the biggest upsets in sports history. Not surprisingly, the 1969 Miracle Mets are on the list (Go Mets!).
59A: Meet by chance (CROSS PATHS).
More food glorious food:
39A: Cabbage salad (SLAW)
52A: Heavy fruit of some palm trees (COCONUT). Not my favorite food.
11D: Pork or beef (MEAT)
53D: Gumbo vegetable (OKRA)
Devious behavior:
8D: Started the grill, say (LIT A FIRE)
9D: Abandon (DESERT)
28D: Eye rudely (OGLE)
56A: Blows one's top (GOES APE)
We have another cryptoquote by Cicero today:
Every word that's unnecessary only pours over the side of a brimming mind.
These are yet more Plain English from the masters about writing well (be concise and simple). The word "unnnescssary" threw me for a second.
Finally, we have another groaner of a JUMBLE.The caption reads "the twins missed their flight because they were _______.
I'd freak if I missed my plane too. We almost did on my first return trip from Israel.
Word list:
Scrambled solution = WLTTEAO
Solution = "TWO" LATE
For the record, my best friends growing up were twins. I was so jealous and always dreamt that I had a twin sister and would have an instant best friend. Watching my friends, I've come to a conclusion that there's nothing like a bond between twins.
Hope my fellow New Yorkers stay dry!
Till tomorrow. . . .
Signing off,
The Puzzlechick
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