20A: Fully understandable (CLEAR AS A BELL)
41A: Totally spotless (CLEAN AS A WHISTLE)
60A: Really brainy (SHARP AS A TACK)
Without focus, a person cannot complete a task. When a person is focused on a goal or ambition, he/she can be successful in life. The unfocused person is in a constant state of disorganization and chaos. A person also needs to focus on the things that matter and learn how to deal with the every day distractions of life. When I'm distracted, I either go for a walk, go to the gym, or take a nap. I'm refreshed later and I'm able to perform the job.
Alphabet soup:
23A: Aide: Abbr. (ASST)
29A: End of UCLA's Web address (EDU)
33A: Pre-coll. exam (SAT)
10D: Carpoolers' conveniences (HOV LANES)
37D: Battleship letters (USS)
62D: Kindergartner's recitation (ABCs)
63D: Pinafore designation (HMS)
Oh, the places you go:
31A: Country with a major canal (PANAMA)
1D: Big tourist draw (MECCA)
4D: Posh residence (ESTATE)
34D: San Antonio Mission (ALAMO)
49A: Grassy plain (LEA)
61D: London's _____ Park (HYDE)
H.G. Wells, who I discussed in Saturday's entry, is the author of today's cryptoquote:
Wells is obviously talking about writers dealing with editors. As a copy editor, I have to make criticisms and decisions that aren't always easy. Some authors are easily offended. A good writer learns not to take things personally and responds by making improvements to his/her work.
The JUMBLE picture is a bird stealing a piece of jewelry from a well-dressed woman, and a policeman is chasing the bird as well. It looks like something out of a comedy from the silent-movie era. The caption reads "The bird decided to steal the diamond necklace because he felt he was _____."
Word list:
I had a bit of trouble with the last word.
Scrambled solution: VHWEABOLEAT
That's all for today. I don't know how I'm going to survive six more days of eating matzoh. Oh, well, Passover only comes once a year.
Till tomorrow. . . .
Signing off,
The Puzzlechick
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