Friday, February 10, 2012

You're No Good/Kaiser's Korner

TGIF! It's another gorgeous day in New York City (nearly 50 degrees) . . . the calm before the storm. We're supposed to get about 2-3 inches of snow tonight. :-( 

Today's puzzle, by Richard Silvestri, was a toughie. It's called "They're No Good." In other words, there is a "NG" for "No Good" hidden in each of the theme answers:

20A: Cairo beach patrons? (SUNNING MUSLIMS). And what is the difference between Sunni and Shiite Muslims? The answer is right here on a Web site called History News Network. I guess it's like comparing Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews.

39A: Big-time sport? (PRONG BASKETBALL). The NBA lockout may be over, but we still can't get MSG on our cable system! We pay $200 a month for this?? Knick and Ranger fans are mad! 

52A: Rule of everything? (QUEEN OF SHEBANG). My friend Sheila just bought a Siberian Husky and her name is Sheba. She is a beautiful dog and I want to see her before she outgrows her puppy years. As for the legend of the Queen of Sheba, it's explained in this essay. And who could forget William Hung's infamous rendition of "She Bangs" (with apologies to Ricky Martin)?

Henry J. Kaiser
Today's crytopquote was on the tough side too. It's by Henry J. Kaiser (1882-1967):

When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt.

Henry J. Kaiser is known as the "Father of American Shipbuilding." He also founded a steel company, an aluminium company, and two automobile companies. I never even heard of the latter, but a picture of the Kaiser 1953 Manhattan is pictured on the right. The car company was in existence from 1945 until 1969, when it was sold to American Motors (makers of the infamous Gremlin). Kaiser was involved in building roads, civic centers, and schools. He was also quite the philanthropist through his foundation. In addition, he also established the first HMO called Kaiser Permanente

Well, that's all for the day. I'll be sitting back and waiting for the snow with the rest of the peanut gallery.

Till tomorrow. . . . 

Signing off,
The Puzzlechick

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