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Today's puzzle is by Stan the Man himself. It's called "Hair Apparent" and you guessed it, it's about well-known people with BIG hair! Drumroll, please. . . .
19A: Giant of theoretical physics: ALBERT EINSTEIN (who else?). Experts say that Albert Einstein (1879-1955) may have had Asperger's Syndrome. Although he excelled in math and physics, he was a loner and often repeated sentences as a young child. If nobody turned up to his lectures, he would go on talking anyway. Listen to Einstein explain his famous Theory of Relativity (E=MC2):
36A: Raucous-laugh comedienne: PHYLLIS DILLER (b. 1917). Never one of my favorite performers, but she's still going strong at age 94! Thanks to extensive plastic surgery, she looks much better now than she did 50 years ago (see below).
Today's cryptoquote is by George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950):
Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it cease to be serious when people laugh.
A bit verbose, but such wise words! I've laughed at funerals because those making eulogies are remembering good things about the deceased. Often, they have funny stories to share.
Shaw was best known as a playwright (more than 60 plays). His most famous, of course, is Pygmalion, from which the classic musical My Fair Lady was adapted. Shaw was also a founder of the London School of Economics. For more information about GBS's life and works, see The Shaw Society Web site.
In gossip news, Demi Moore is pursuing Zac Efron? Hasn't she learned from her disastrous marriage to Ashton? Leslie Carter, Aaron and Nick's sister, died suddenly and mysteriously at age 25.
Finally, I am outraged that the Susan G. Komen foundation pulled its funding from Planned Parenthood. It's a step backward for women by about 40 years. Mayor Mike has stepped in and will make up for the loss. At least he did something right.
Till tomorrow. . . .
Signing off,
The Puzzlechick
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