Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Stick With It

A belated happy Mardi Gras to all who celebrate! I heard it was so cold in NOLA that nobody could watch the parade. I can't wait until this winter is finally over; it's been one of the worst in years. Today is the first day of Lent for observant Catholics. This is the time when one gives up something he or she loves. Most people give up chocolate and smoking, lol.

On to today's puzzle by Fred Piscop. Wow, I didn't know Fred was from Bellmore (my hometown). He is also the author of the Mensa 10-Minute Crossword Puzzle series. The puzzle is called "Your Adhere" and its theme has to do with things that stick.

20A: Canned-fruit choice: CLING PEACHES. I have to say I've always preferred fresh fruit over canned. Many canned foods come in heavy syrup and high in sugar. If I have to have canned fruit, I will only get it in its own juices. If you want to can your own, Frugal Living has excellent instructions.

40A: Evidence of a corporate debt: BOND CERTIFICATE. Old bond certificates have become collector's items and may be worth a lot of money. Check out Investopedia to find out if you have a lost treasure.

58A: Crude drawings of people: STICK FIGURES. Yep, that's the extent of my artistic talent. I love the stick figure car decals.

Today's cryptoquote is by the education advocate and philosopher John Dewey (1859-1952). No, the Dewey Decimal system is not named for him. But there is a high school in Brooklyn that bears his name. Dewey said: "Cease conceiving of education as mere preparation for later life and make it the full meaning of the present life." I guess this means that you shouldn't be teaching calculus and Shakespeare in Kindergarten! Speaking of education, they did away with the essay portion of the SATs.

Tomorrow we are going to a taping of "Late Night with Seth Meyers" with special guest Martha Stewart. Martha's not my favorite person, but she may have a cooking or craft demo. I hope we don't have to wait on line too long; it's going to be very cold.

Till tomorrow. . . .

Signing off,
The Puzzlechick

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